The Art of Craft

The Studio is a short drive from Santa Fe, with access to over 250 galleries + a half dozen native Pueblos. New Mexico offers a backdrop of wild freedom + heart-felt living, amidst historical culture and the quiet beauty, of nature. Inspiration is found through daily walks in the high-desert, with studio dog Gracie.

Workshops | Products

LAURA / A true Gemini in-spirit, Laura has spent a life-time exploring the World. While attending Guilford college, in North Carolina — she took part in a roving road-side Geology summer course, “Seminar’s West”, fell in love with the Western landscape and developed a life-long obsession with beautiful rocks. She has been collecting them on hikes ever since. Trekking off-the-beaten-path in South America, Africa + Europe, she discovered hand-crafted sweaters, baskets, textiles and jewelry made by native cultures. This inspired her studies in knitting, quilting, letterpress, and bookmaking. While living in Seattle, she studied Graphic Design at the School of Visual Concepts. And explored jewelry design, print making and abstract painting with the Pratt Fine Arts Center + Danaca Design. In 2017, she attended the Haystack School of Arts + Crafts in Maine and visited Esalen to create mixed media visuals while residing in this beautiful place.

JOEL / Working in premiere West Coast restaurants his whole adult life, Joel has explored a range of cultures from French cuisine to Spanish tapas to modern PNW fare. He has a strong moral compass around food ethics, supporting local farmers and organic offerings. In the last decade, his side hustle involved creating custom unique menus based on what was the freshest in-season offerings that week for vegetables/fruits, meats and seafood. His regular clients seized the opportunity to pair their special, favorite wines from the cellar with Joel’s 3-5 hour dinner parties hosted in their own beautiful Seattle homes. He has remodeled multiple houses and enjoys making custom furniture. His love of sculpture was enhanced with recent trips to Spain and Mexico. These days he joins Laura and Malamute/Pyrenees Gracie, in the studio. Comfortable with a torch, his imagination runs wild in the newest medium of Metal.