• Yoga Classes | 1 hr | $10-$20 Donation

    Laura brings twenty-five years of yoga and meditation practice to the mat as a Teacher. She will guide you in integrating yoga asanas with pranayama breath work and use of mudras. Her classes combine hatha yoga with some yin. She also instructs on the mental practice of working with witness mode.

  • Yoga Foundation + the Chakras
    | 1:1 Session | 1 hr | $40

    Laura is a Guide to incorporating Spirituality, in to everyday life. You will bring your yoga mat, and we will work with Yoga Fundamentals.

    She will outline how this applies to self development within the Chakra System, allowing psychospiritual transformation. Personal evolution is possible, through spiritual work and lifestyle habits.

  • Usui Ryoho Reiki Energetic Alignment Session
    | 1 hr | $50

    Laura has been trained as an Intuitive Energy Healer + Reiki Master. She is attuned to channel life-affirming, universal energy. Utilizing her honed practice of meditation, she is able to tap in to a dimension deeper than thought, emotion + language, on to a spiritual plane, from which the energy springs. | Return to balance in mind and body. Receiving regular Reiki treatments is excellent self-care and helps you to maintain holistic balance.

  • CranioSacral Energetic Healing Session
    | 1.5 hrs | $65

    Laura is trained in CranioSacral therapy techniques that help the body unwind stress. In your session, you will both quietly hold presence for the natural inhalation/exhalation, ebb and flow, of your system. Return to your state of natural health. Clients have reported transformative results— finding relief for an over active, stressed nervous system.